Friday 25 January 2013

#VisDare 4 - Steps

Angela Goff's #VisDare picture prompt has gone all mysterious this week. She has been posting very quirky pictures of late which have really stretched the imagination to the limits. I decided to stick with the slightly quirky taking the picture figuratively and here's my tale ...

Saskia was a tall woman of indeterminate shape and size under her flowing gown.  Renowned for her motivational speeches she had amassed a huge army of followers - literally huge, every one of them clinically obese. 

Round faced regulars still clinging to slender hope and newcomers wide eyed with expectation that Saskia’s Five Step Weight Loss Programme would help them achieve a supermodel figure.

“Visualise,” Saskia always spoke in hushed sensual tones, “each step leading you from the cold pit of despair to a bright hopeful new world.”

I’d been attending these classes for so long I knew every word; I mouthed them like a mantra.

Tonight I imagined the light at the end of my tunnel to be the centre of a ring doughnut with each step a custard slice, glistening with icing.

As I looked closely at Saskia, in her billowing tent dress, I suspected she did too!

 Remember to click on this link to Angela's Anonymous Legacy Blog to see what everyone else has written.


  1. "still clinging to slender hope" -- such a bitterly ironic phrase in the middle of this tale, full of its own hypocrisy. Love how you visualized the photo prompt in terms of food - definitely an original spin that I haven't seen yet! Always love to see your entries - and can't wait to see more!!

  2. Surely a different take on the prompt. Absolutely love it. (and now I feel like eating a donut)

  3. AIEEE! You made me think off the Krispy Kream donught, glazed, oozing sugar, with chocolate on top. You have also captured my understanding of the horde mind quite well.
