Saturday 26 January 2013

if a picture paints a thousand words...

I walked around the garden in the snow and took these photos this morning.
I was going to write about how much I am missing Andrew at the moment. The snow has triggered all those feelings of helplessness again.
I wanted to tell you that yesterday I cried but I can't find the right words and I don't want to plunge once more under the icy depths of grief.
But I need to share, I need you to know that some feelings never go away.
However I suspect you already know that grief NEVER really ends. It lasts a lifetime and not just a season.
There will always be days as cold as ice.
But the sunlight make things sparkle....

...and there is always hope for a brighter future if you look hard enough!


  1. So poignant and beautiful as ever. There are so many metaphors for grief and seasons and the snow are fitting metaphors. The ice has thawed, the snow has disappeared but we know it will fall again, coat and freeze the earth, stopping us in our tracks at times. Grief works in a similar way. Take care darling girl. xxx

  2. Beautiful post Sarah, both words and pictures. Hugs xxx
