Monday 2 April 2012


Where does inspiration come from?

Yesterday I was once more assaulted by grief, it really does feel like it jumps out and attacks sometimes for no rhyme or reason whatsoever.

My mood inspired me to write a poem, a modern day psalm, shouting at God - WHY ME?

A poem for Difficult Days.

Did I need reminding just how fragile my heart is?
As another crack of nothingness causes tears to fall
Flowing from the bottom of my broken heart.

Did I need reminding that Easter is about DEATH?
Oh I know there’s life, good news yet to come
But we haven’t got there yet
Here I am – still broken.

Did I need reminding life is hard?
But death –
It ripples on and on
Seemingly forever making waves
While good days shimmer in a heat haze
Hanging beyond the horizon

Twenty four hours later and my inspiration took another form entirely.

The first day of the school holidays can be a hit and miss affair depending on planning. This morning I had arranged a walk with a friend and her kids. We needed somewhere child friendly and with an all-important café.

We struck lucky as we chose somewhere with a very short walk (sure it was further last time – but then the boys were not so big!) an adventure playground, café and craft shop!

While the children scampered to the playground we darted in the direction of the crafts.

There were some beautiful items on display but some things didn’t impress us much, we can make a lot ourselves. However what didn’t amaze us did inspire us…

We both bought wool for felting. My friend some un-dyed brown fleece while I purchased some brightly coloured smaller bags of bits for embellishments.

This afternoon I got out the rest of my felt making equipment and tried out some new ideas.

It’s not finished, I want to add some beads and stitching and then I’m going to frame it. 

There will always be difficult days, upsetting times when I am caught off guard and knocked flying, but this felted picture created from rubbing and stress will serve as a reminder that there are still plenty of good days too.

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