Thursday 8 March 2012

Marching on...

There are pros and cons to every season. March is a time of bright sunshine one minute and dark stormy rain clouds the next. If you are very lucky you might just catch a rainbow in between!

One of things I like best about this time of year is how the garden is starting to come alive. Waking from its winter sleep, tingling with possibility.

The demure shy snowdrops are surrendering to the tall proud daffodils. This is when I love my huge garden the most. I have an abundance of flowers to give away.

The other day I stepped outside and crunched my way through the frost sparkled grass to pick a few stalks for my friend. Just half a dozen tied with ribbon make a thoughtful gift, at least I hope so.

These are the pluses of the garden this time of year, the negative is that the weeds are growing too and the grass, it won’t be long before I will have to attempt starting the lawnmower and begin cutting it again. Those summer jobs that become such a burden despite the help of oldest son.

But for now I will dwell on the positives, the lush green daffodils emerging daily and the fountain like leaves of the bluebells already there waiting in the wings to appear. The camellia is already in bloom and other buds curled tight are expectantly full of potential.

And once more as I type the wind has rustled up the rain or could it be hail tap tapping on my window?

Spring is coming, not far off, marching on and with it a hope for the future, a new direction maybe or perhaps I will still be here to give away next year’s daffodils – only time will tell…

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